Friday 22 August 2008

A rundown of various rules

Well no takers from the Anix Southern scum so we're short of 2 people for the MEDAL we got last year.

I'm hoping Phil, Cath or Steve McCormack will join in..

Because I've been so remiss I've failed to point a few things out:

The 2nd teams DON'T count!! Those are positions 8, 16, 17 and 18 from our week1 table……….and that''s final!

There will be NO wooden spoon 'cos Rose has kept hers and they're a pain to make (and expensive for the base).

At the moment there is 14 x £5 in the kitty= £70. The prizes will be £40, £20, £10.

I will attempt to get 2 trophies (one for the winner & one for the GOLDEN BOOT) from Anix at the end of the season.
It may well be we have to pay for them ourselves which will mean coming out of the prize money. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

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